Monday 19 July 2021

Day 27 - Airlie Beach to Great Keppel Island - by Caro

This morning was the first time in a month that we had to set our alarm. We needed to leave The Rusin’s house by 7.30, which we managed to do. Luke was amazed at how quickly we packed up, and thinks that we are like a small army now, watching how effectively we can move when we have to. (For the last 3 days he has been waiting for kids to be buckled into  cars, jumpers to be found, photos to be taken and all the little things that take a long time when we are a family of 8.)

We said goodbye to the Rusins and started the drive to Yeppoon.  Again we have been spoilt by generous hosts, letting us use their home as our own, and taking us to all of the hidden secrets of Airlie Beach.

The drive to Yeppoon was long and boring. We stopped once for fuel and food in Marlborough and it was pretty bad. All the toilets were out of order and the food was stale, but it filled the hole.

We made it to Yeppoon at about 2.15 pm for the 3pm ferry. We raced to organise what we needed to take to the island, and what was to be left in the float and the car. We left the float and car in the car park of an eatery, and locked them up as best we could. Hopefully they will still be there on Wednesday when we return.

We caught the ferry to Great Kepple, which took about 50 minutes, and Danny, Tilly, Emmy and Addy all felt a bit seasick. It was choppy, and very windy, but I enjoyed the ride.  

We shared the ferry with all sorts of people, and I think I counted 8 guitars.

We arrived at the island and met up with the rest of Danny’s band (minus Dan, the lead guitarist, who is training to be a firie, and also stuck in Sydney)

Roger showed us to our accommodation, which is our own private house right on the beach, about 50 meters from the stage ( owned by a bloke called Max).  It is perfect, and I can’t help but feel a bit bad for all the times I have shoved Danny’s guitar out of my way at home.  His music has given us a lot of cool adventures.

The kids have already chosen their beds, and Paddy is amazed that the toilet water is blue. This is the view from Jess room.

We had tea at the hideaway ( the main part of the island, where the music festival is), watched the sunset, and now the kids and I have come back to the house.  They are playing pool, while I do today’s blog.

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