Wednesday 7 July 2021

Day 16 Weipa to Hann River by Bill

This morning we packed up our camp at Jackie and Steve’s house to get ready to slowly start heading home. We rolled up all our swags because we had to let them dry in the shed overnight because it rained on us the night before. Once we got ready to go we said our seeya’s and thank you’s to Jackie and Steve, got a photo and got on the road. We might still see Jackie and Steve in Cairns yet because they have to fly there tonight because Steve has won an award for 20 years of service for his job (fire fighting and rescuing which isn’t even his job). He is also going there to pick up a tractor.
Then we called into the Weipa super market to get food and brekky. We got on the road and went to Archer River where we got some lunch. On the way we saw a couple of Road Trains and a dead boar.

We are back on the road and we were going to stop and get fuel at Musgrave but the line was too long so we kept going. From about Musgrave and forwards the road has been graded so it was a pretty good drive.
We have ended up at Hann River Roadhouse for the night and we spent the rest of the evening kicking the footy and having a cold shower.

Dad also loved his new shorts he stole off me that we got in Weipa before we left.
We had tea at the roadhouse then when we came back to camp, dad taught us how to play the guitar.


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