Sunday 3 July 2016

Day 31 Broome to Broome by Bill😉

This morning we had breakie then Dad and I went to a fishing shop and got some crab pots and stuff. Then we went to a place and we were going to fish there but it was too rocky. Then we went back for a while and we sorted out our fishing stuff and put them in our tackle box and did all that stuff then we had lunch then Jess, Tilly,Dad and I went to the wharf and had a fish but we didn't catch anything but we saw an octopus and it changed colour and squirted out ink. Whilst we were there we saw heeps of little crabs. We went back and Emily, Adelaide and Mum went to the beach whilst we went to the Roebuck Roadhouse with Chris, Anita, Chelsea and Dustin. Then we went back to the float and the others caught a bike back from the beach. The bikes are just like taxi's but it is a bike with a carriage. Then we went to a pub and there was crab races and what ever one got to the end first it won.
 The person who was running it had a crab on his hat.
 Then we went to the wharf again and we had tea and it was very expensive. We were going to go fishing there again but there was no fish so we didn't. Now we are going to bed. Goodnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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