Saturday 4 June 2016

Day two, By Tilly

This morning I woke up and had stewed peaches and yoghurt for breakfast. Then we got up and got in the car.
Now we are driving to Mildura, whilst listening to the radio. At the moment we are in a place called Tulleybuc, which is near where my friend Georgia grew up.
I am feeling excited because today once we get into S.A we get to open our bags we got from Gagga and Dazzle.
We have made it to Mildura. At Mildura we did some shopping, for what we will need further on in our trip.
 Then we went to subway for lunch. Once we finished our sandwich we got a biscut.
The whole day today, there has been two hours until we get to S.A.
At the moment Bill, Jess and Adelaide are asleep.

There is only 50 kilometres until we make it to S.A now.
We just saw two emu's and a dead dingo. We are just pulling up at a petrol station. We just saw another emu.
Now we are finally in S.A. We got some photos taken by some people who we met.
Because we are in S.A, we get to open our bags from Gagga and Dazzle. We got a lot of cool stuff. This is what I got.
We got to a place called Renmark, and was going to stay there the night, but decided to keep on driving.
We saw a pelican that was flying in the air then came skidding in the water. It was swimming near us, then eventually came charging for us, so we ran. Then another bunch of them came down as well. We got closer and closer to them. It turned out they were quite friendly. 
Now we are driving again. We have decided to stay at a place called Morgan. We were playing around at the Morgan caravan park.

 This is the boat where we are having tea.
 At the moment we are watching the ferry going across the river. About to have tea.
At tea we met some people Jess and I had a friend called Mia, Emily and Adelaide had a friend called Charlie, and Bill had a friend called River.
We had tea, then we played with our friends. After tea we had desert. Then played outside again for a while.
Once we were finished on the boat, our friends and ourselves came back to our horse float, so Dad could show our friends Dad his guitar. Us kids played outside while the parents were listening to our Dads' music. Their Dad had a Jembai (that is a type of drum.) that we were playing with. He said that if you make a cup out of your hands and bang in the middle it will make a stronger sound. Our Dads had a beer, then they had to go back to their boat-house. We watched them go over the ferry and over to their boat. Now we are in bed, and Mum is in the shower, and we are about to go to sleep. Well we were going to sleep until a bunch of firecrackers went off, over the other side of the river. Now I think we are really going to sleep. But where not. Another bunch of firecrackers went off. OK goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids sounds like a great start to your holiday. Love nan.
