Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 16 Katherine to Kununurra by Tilly

This morning everyone was up, except Adelaide and I. Tom and Anabell let us use their shower, so Mum and Dad had a shower.


Jess, Emily and I went over to their house, to find Mum and Dad. We fount them talking to Tom and Anabell. Adelaide was still asleep, so I told Mum I will check on her.
Adelaide just woke up, so I told her to get changed, and come with me.
Mum and Dad were still talking, so we sat down for a while. They were going to Kununarra to see some friends, and we are staying at Kununarra to stay the night.
We went back to the float, and packed up, ready to go. We saw Tom riding his four wheeler, chasing the dogs.
Now we are in the car driving. We stopped at a petrol station, and fuelled up. Mum just walked to the super market to do some shopping. Dad lost his patients, and drove to McDonalds, to get breakfast. I had three pancakes. We just got Mum, and now we're driving again.
We are listening to Tom's CD. Tom and Anabell just drove past us and beeped the horn. Dad just gave us some chewing gum. Just then we saw a man in a helicopter, checking on his cows.
We just stopped at another petrol station at Victoria River and got some petrol and went to the toilet. We got a map and a postcard each. Now we are driving again.
 Just then we drove in a ten kilometre dirt road, and stopped at the end.


We got out and went to the shop inside. We walked in and went to the part where there were people in it, and they asked Mum to leave her backpack with them. Then we walked in, but they stopped us and said that kids aren't really meant to go in, but there were other kids already in there, but they still said no. Then she said she could show us how to polish a rock, but Dad ignored her and walked away. So we left. Then we were driving again.
We have just made it to W.A, and got some photos in front of the sign.


They took our fruit and vegetables again, or in our case half the fridge. We bought them this morning, and gave them away in the afternoon.
Now we have made it to Kununarra. We looked in the horse-float and there was dust everywhere. Mum made us some sandwiches for lunch.
Then we went fishing down at the river and there was people water skiing and Dad said they're crazy, because there is crocodiles in there. Mainly fresh water crocodiles, but there is some salty's.
When we were fishing, we saw a crocodile, and Dad said it would be a salty, because fresh water crocs are shy. We saw a man water skiing, and he was going straight over the top of the crocodile, and he didn't even notice. The croc got stirred up, and us kids saw it do a dolphin dive. He was lucky he didn't fall off there because he might of got eaten.
Jess went and got Mum to show her the crocodile. Mum came, and missed it. We saw it come up and down. We saw some fish jumping out of the river then fall back in.
We met some people that heard us talking about the croc, and wanted to see it, but they missed it.
Mum, Emily and I went back to the horse-float. We saw somethings flying over our heads. We thought they were crows, but they were bats there was hundreds of them, and they just kept coming.


Dad went over to our neighbours and played the guitar with the man. He wasn't a very good singer, but he liked playing the guitar. We were walking home, then we saw a Cane Toad.


We got in the car and drove to a place for tea. It was a Jetty. I had Macaroni and garlic bread. We had ice-cream for dessert.
There was a lot of cat-fish near the jetty. In the water there was disco balls, that shine in the water. When we were eating, a waitress came and tapped Jess on the back, and Jess got a really big fright. Then he asked if Jess was enjoying her tea. Jess said yes.
We just drove back to the horse-float and are in bed. Mum, Dad and Bill are in the shower.
There is only five percent of battery left, so I'm about to go to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures of Ayers Rock, looks like you need a long shower!!!!!!!
