Wednesday 30 June 2021

Day 10 Weipa to the River by Emmy

Bill forgot to to add some photos yesterday so here they are…

Paddy falling asleep with Dad’s music, and us standing in front of the Weipa sign as we arrived.

What we thought was meant to be an early start was now going to be later in the morning at around 11:30 because Steve had an appointment. While we were waiting for Steve we all opened up our swags and started putting in the clothes and stuff we needed for the night because there would be a lot of mozzies. We then put the swags on the back of donk. Steve came a bit later because he spent 20 minutes searching around on his hands and knees looking for his clear hearing aides. They fell off when he was taking his mask off and he flung them away. Turns out they fell out in his pocket.

Dad decided to fix the spring on the float again properly this time because last time it was only a temepary fix. While he was doing that Paddy and his new best friend Harry, (a dog)were playing.

Paddy teaching the dog to lay down….

Paddy cracking the whip with Harry….

We then got ready to hop on the barge and Steve’s boat.   To get there we took two cars, Steve’s and Mum’s car, I went with Mum. When we arrived at the place where the barge was, we loaded it up with all our swags, water, Dad’s guitar and more. Everyone thought we were tourists due to the amount of photos we were taking and the gear that we took for 1 night. A man towed us into the ocean and dropped us off into the ocean and a man called Jake drove us through the ocean which lead to a river thing. On the way to the hut in the river bit we saw 3 crocodiles which gave us all a shock but Jake was used to it. We saw 2 of them on the river bank and we watched them hurry back into the water and then we saw another crocodile with it’s eyes above the water swimming towards the trees. About 50 meters away from that crocodile was the hut.

We soon went fishing where Steve just kept pulling out rods and we all had our own rod. We didn’t catch any on the rod but Steve caught a few mullets with a net because we saw a huge school swim past us.

A while after, Steve then showed us how to work the quad bike and he let us ride it on our own while he did his own thing in the hut. There were only 2 quad bikes so we but 5 people on Dad’s bike which was Jess, Tilly, Adelaide, and Paddy and the rest of us went with Mum.
We rode them for a while and Dad and Bill mucked around on them and, we all got a turn of driving them. We planted ourself under a shady tree and we put 1 or 2 people on a bike at a time.

As we were driving back to the hut Bill saw something hopping along the beach, as we got closer we realised that it was a kangaroo before we could get a photo is bolted into the bush.
After that we went back to Steve and he told us to get some fire wood so we can cook our tea. Four of us went to collect and cut the wood, dad and Steve drank beer on the sand and Paddy, Addy and Mum walked along the beach.
We headed back to the hut and kept an eye out for the sunset because Jackie told us that it was really good. We started a fire and cooked tea.
We took photos of the sunset that we half missed.

Us eating tea….

Bill and Tilly went to go throw the chop bones in the river,  (which they were pretty nervous about) and then they came sprinting back down the track and said there was a crocodile. We waited a while and went back down to the river to try and get it or see it, we stayed behind Steve. We shon the torch on the river and we saw about 30 fish jumping around in the air as if they were on a high, Steve said that they don’t like the light on them. They were salmon.  We waited for the crocodile and threw the bait in, then Dad pointed to  2 red eyes looking at us and it was fairly close to us. We kept looking at it and it was massive, after that we all scattered off to the hut. We sat around the fire for a bit and went to bed.


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