Monday 28 June 2021

Day 9 - Archer River to Weipa by Bill

This morning we woke up at our reserved special camping spot from a late night watching the State of Origin at the Archer River roadhouse.
Then we thought about going down to the river for a bit but you had to jump fences to get there so we sat there for a bit watching the Brahmans eat.
Then on the way back to the float Emily found a tree with flowers on it.
We got some toasties from the roadhouse for breaky then got ready for what we thought was going to be a long hard 204ks to Weipa. The first 50ks was sealed road but after that it was mainly dirt. After tightening all the nuts under the float and letting the tyres down a bit the vehicles held up well and it was a nice drive. Because there was so much corrigation on the road we spent most of the time driving outside the reflectors where it was smooth.

We made it to Weipa safely and we saw the ocean for the first time in a while. It sucks that we can’t swim in it though because of the crocs.
Also at Archer River the lady who owned the roadhouse gave us a yellow suitcase that had fallen out of someone’s Ute and landed in the road. They worked out that he went to Weipa and they asked us if we were heading that way and if we could drop it off to him. So when we got there that was the first thing we did. After that we went to Steve and Jackie Fairbrothers house and parked the float in their driveway. We packed their boat getting ready for tomorrow and Dad and Steve had a few beers.
Mum and us kids went to have a look at the town and we went to woolies and we found a ringers western shop there too. While we were doing that Steve and Dad went into town to buy some spare bolts in case we need them again for the float.
When we got back we had a talk to Jackie and Steve and Steve showed us all the things he had shot and he showed us his bows and guns. They also made tea for us too. Because it is Jackie’s birthday on Wednesday we had a cake. While we were sitting down having tea their Jack Russel dog ate a cane toad so Steve had to shove the hose down his throat and flush him out before he died.
Now we are all tired and getting ready for bed.


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